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Health Tracker


At Navigating Cancer, our Health Tracker app wasn’t designed with accessibility in mind. Our older user-base found it difficult to use: content was dense, tone of voice was inconsistent and hard to follow, and the design didn’t align with accessibility best practices. Additionally, the way we graded symptoms didn’t fit with the National Cancer Institute’s symptom-grading format.



Create a new, user-friendly, mobile responsive Health Tracker app that allows patients to easily report medication adherence and symptoms to their care team remotely.



Understand the problem by building user flows to uncover various paths a user can take; Explore and test solutions by creating wireframes and clickable prototypes; Design for scalability by creating a design system and voice & content guidelines; Measure for success by using planned metrics and feedback from patients.



Patients say that Health Tracker makes them feel more connected to their caregivers, and it is their preferred method for reporting symptoms. The conversion rate for first-time check-in is ~70%, compared to ~20% for the legacy product. In a survey sent after first-time check-in, 99% of patients reported Health Tracker was easy-to-use. The design for standardized symptom-grading increased data precision, allowing us to scale Health Tracker to our first clinical study.



The new Health Tracker design is accessible and user-friendly.

Understand the Problem

I audited existing patterns and user flows, looking for ways to reduce complexity and improve the experience. This phase helps uncover the paths a user can take. This helped me plan the interface and content needs. 

Explore & Test Solutions

I created wireframes and prototypes to test ideas based on findings from user flow studies. Low fidelity clickthroughs were created during discovery, ideation, and early user testing. High-fidelity clickthroughs were created for rapid-iteration testing to help decisions for interactions and final content

Design for Scalability

Consistency is a company-wide challenge. I used my work as the foundation for building a new, patient-facing design system that is accessible and user-centered.


I also built voice & content guidelines to support a consistent conversational experience with our Health Tracker product.


We quickly adapted Health Tracker to solve for more use cases, such as clinical studies and symptom monitoring for COVID-19. I built interaction maps to show how our reusable design patterns and interactions work for each experience.

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